NativeScript: CSS Selectors & Pseudo Selectors in 2.2.0

The NativeScript team released a feature under the cover of dark; not even listed in the change log; but Panayot; did a refactoring of the CSS selector system in NativeScript. With his changes he has not only sped up the selector code in most cases but he added some additional features like

[myAttrib="yes"] > .figure { color: red; }

And fixed several things that were broken in earlier versions like:

 .android.landscape  Button {  background-color: blue; }
.landscape.ios Button { background-color: green; }

If you understand why this is so important; this opens up CSS a LOT.   For example; I have two plugins; nativescript-orientation, and nativescript-platform-css.    Orientation automatically will put landscape as a class of the <Page> when you are in landscape mode; this allows you to have custom css for landscape mode.   It allows a lot of flexibility.   However, when I created the platform-css plugin it automatically adds ios or android to the Page classes.  Again this added a lot of flexibility as you could in a single css file do:

Button.ios { margin: 20; } { margin: 15; }

To allow you to style the buttons so they look properly on each platform.   However the OLD CSS style system would not detect that "landscape ios" should use the rule:

.landscape.ios Button {}
.ios.landscape Button {}

So, originally  I had to add a HACK to my NS-orientation plugin to detect if you were using my platform-css plugin so that it could create a special css class rule to allow the second rule (.ios.landscape) to work as expected.   Now with the all new css selector system in 2.2.0; it all works properly; and ALL variations of the rules are valid and I don't have to do anything extra!

Major Kudos from me to Panayot!   This fixed a number of other weird CSS corner cases that have been in the issues list for a while.  So this was a imho one of the best new features of 2.2.0...

Now, there is another awesome new feature that Panayot did; he has pseudo selectors; at this moment the button now supports both a normal state and a highlighted state.  So you can do:

Button:highlighted {
background-color: cyan;

And the button will change to a cyan background when clicked and on Android 5+ you will still even get the ripples!    Awesome job Panayot!

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