We currently have a massive number of broken plugins, hiding the few flowers in all the weeds as I discussed in the first State of Plugins post. These flowers still need nutrients and maintenance efforts to keep them alive as we outlined in the post: costs of a plugin. We went into the long tail… Continue reading NativeScript - State of Plugins - a solution
Category: NativeScript
NativeScript - State of the Plugins
I had a discussion the other day with one of my buddies at nStudio. I was lamenting the fact that our communities plugins really really suck. It doesn’t matter if you use my site PNR (https://Plugins.Nativescript.Rocks) or Progress’s MarketPlace. Trying to find an actual working plugin seems like a trial almost akin to having a… Continue reading NativeScript - State of the Plugins
NativeScript 6.0
Wow, a major update was just released today with NativeScript 6.0 It has some awesome features; but since it is a major bump this is when all the breaking changes come out to play. And we have some huge breaking changes in v6.0. The largest change is to remove the legacy build system. Features New… Continue reading NativeScript 6.0
Running NativeScript 5.4 and NativeScript 6.0 side-by-side.
For those who have been hiding in the hills for a while; you may not have noticed that the cool news for NativeScript is that we have a new version that has been coming for a while. 6.0 was officially released today! Well 6.0 has been release; and there are a lot of things to… Continue reading Running NativeScript 5.4 and NativeScript 6.0 side-by-side.
NativeScript Plugins and the costs...
Now most of you are not plugin developers; and as such do not understand what costs go into creating or maintaining an open source plugin. Normally I wouldn’t even think to post something like this; and I don't want this to be seen as "whoa is me". But a statement from someone at Progress; made… Continue reading NativeScript Plugins and the costs...
NativeScript and Fortnite
Isn’t that an interesting title – I wonder if you can guess how I plan on tying the two together! Can we all say Click Bait! Stay tuned, and we will show you how I combine both of these into one blog post... Now many of you know that NativeScript is 100% open source. I… Continue reading NativeScript and Fortnite
NativeScript 5.4 Build Failures
People who have been using the plugins like Firebase and/or other Google services may have all of a sudden had their apps stop building with an error like this. + adding aar plugin dependency: .[some path].\widgets-release.aar .[somepath].\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml:22:18-91 Error: Attribute application@appComponentFactory value=(android.support.v4.app.CoreComponentFactory) from [com.android.support:support-compat:28.0.0] AndroidManifest.xml:22:18-91 is also present at [androidx.core:core:1.0.0] AndroidManifest.xml:22:18-86 value=(androidx.core.app.CoreComponentFactory). Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:appComponentFactory"' to… Continue reading NativeScript 5.4 Build Failures
NativeScript 5.x and HMR Issues
If you are one of the lucky people who are reading this blog article, because your app used to work! After upgrading to the latest NativeScript and enabling the new Workflow your app is now broken... Well I have some good news... It is easy to get back to a working state. Here is how… Continue reading NativeScript 5.x and HMR Issues
Upgrading to XCode 10.2
Public Service Announcement. If you are using any iOS plugins that use Swift v3 or less; DO NOT UPGRADE to XCode 10.2. Apple in its infinite wisdom has completly removed the Swift 3 tool chain. You can re-add the tool chain back; BUT Apples guidelines state that apps submitted must be using the built in… Continue reading Upgrading to XCode 10.2
NativeScript-Core replacing the root view...
Please note this to my knowledge only works with NativeScript-Core / PAN (Plain Awesome NativeScript) applications. I do not believe this will work with the Vue or Angular variations of NativeScript. There maybe another way to accomplish this with those variations, and if you know how -- please let me know and I'll update this… Continue reading NativeScript-Core replacing the root view...