NativeScript - Professional post series

I've been doing NativeScript for a while; and since I'm a contractor/freelancer; and no specific company pays my salary -- I've decided to start putting some of my cool learned tips into the paid category.   Most of these will only qualify if they took me multiple hours to figure out.  Unfortunately nobody pays me for… Continue reading NativeScript - Professional post series

NativeScript: iOS and xCode 8 the wonderful world of breaking changes

For those who have upgraded to the all new xCode 8, you may have noticed some of the plugins breaking...     The biggest breaking change in NativeScript and xCode 8 is now things deep down in the ObjC runtime that used to be a function call are now a property. So, for example let say you… Continue reading NativeScript: iOS and xCode 8 the wonderful world of breaking changes

NativeScript: Version 2.3.0 Released

For those hiding out in the forest; guess what was released by our cool park rangers at Telerik today!     Yes, you got it - v2.3.0 of NativeScript is now available!   Upgrade Instructions below. As usual; if you run into any issues I will be putting any common issues at the bottom of this post as… Continue reading NativeScript: Version 2.3.0 Released

NativeScript: Debugging the Android Build Process

I've seen this error myself a couple times and it appears that several others have ran into it..   You type something like tns run android or tns build android and it gives you an error about some process failing to build -1 error and to try a --stacktrace to see more info...  Not entirely helpful.  … Continue reading NativeScript: Debugging the Android Build Process

NativeScript: Version 2.2.0 released

For those living in a dungeon hacking out code; guess what was released by those fine wizards at Telerik today!     Yes, you got it - v2.2.0 of NativeScript is now available!   Upgrade Instructions below. As usual; if you run into any issues I will be putting any common issues at the bottom of this post… Continue reading NativeScript: Version 2.2.0 released

NativeScript: Patreon Posts & Plugins

For those who are unaware; I've started doing paid content; see my post on "Why Patreon" to see the reasons.   I'm going to attempt to keep this post updated with plugins and posts that are available to those who are my patreon supporters. Posts: Shrinking the application IPK/APK size: Using the new TNS Clean… Continue reading NativeScript: Patreon Posts & Plugins

NativeScript, TypeScript and accessing native Android runtimes

When you are trying to access any of the native android platform using TypeScript, TS will complain about the root name -- TS2304: Cannot find name 'zzzz' at line yyyy TypeScript is unaware that those variables exist and are actually global in scope; so to make TypeScript happy; in your code you will want to… Continue reading NativeScript, TypeScript and accessing native Android runtimes