So since this question has come up multiple times; I decided to write a brief history of my involvement with NativeScript, Master Technology, ProPlugins, LLC and nStudio, LLC. So this story begins a little over 5 years ago; I had been doing some Cordova/Phonegap development on a simple application for my wife; and its performance… Continue reading NativeScript, Master Technology, ProPlugins, and nStudio.
Author: Nathanael Anderson
Optimization Gotcha's for for/i and forEach
So I mentioned something on my interview with Alex of that he did with me. And someone asked about this in the comments, so I decided to create a blog article on this specific optimization tip. I am going to code this to a browser rather than in NativeScript because well JS in a… Continue reading Optimization Gotcha's for for/i and forEach
Oculus and their horrible support policy, a tale of woe!
I've had a lot of bad experiences with companies over the years; but this one takes the cake (The cake is a lie!) for me, in how not to treat a customer (let alone a developer in your ecosystem). For those who don't know who I am, I have written somewhere around a 100 plugins… Continue reading Oculus and their horrible support policy, a tale of woe!
GitLab Verified Email account issue
I use a privately hosting Gitlab's instance for a bazillion projects; and have a lot of users from around the world. Unfortunately, I have ran into a long standing bug that has never been fixed in many years. It only crops up occasionally now, but it is still a major pain for everyone involved. Many,… Continue reading GitLab Verified Email account issue
NativeScript 6.5
NativeScript 6.40 has a couple cool new things; but better yet it fixes several issues that can will affect your users if you are using 6.3.x lets look at them... Some of the fixes include instability during android's fragment handling occurred in 6.32, which is worth while. A couple really awesome community PR's, and of… Continue reading NativeScript 6.5
VMWare - Shrinking disk size Macintosh/Linux
If you have a Macintosh or Linux based image; the tooling to shrink the hard drives is basically broken in the Gui (and/or, don't work). So to shrink these types of containers; the easiest method is to force the entire empty area to be Zero's, then defragment, and finally shrink all .. First thing we… Continue reading VMWare - Shrinking disk size Macintosh/Linux
NativeScript Fonter revisited again (using DuoTone FontAwesome)
In a prior post I discussed using fonts in NativeScript. This morning I saw an issue in the NativeScript github repo about how to use the Font Awesome Duotone fonts. Since I love puzzles, and I know the NativeScript font system fairly well, and I also own a subscription to the commercial Font Awesome --… Continue reading NativeScript Fonter revisited again (using DuoTone FontAwesome)
NativeScript 6.4 released
NativeScript 6.40 has a couple cool new things; but better yet it fixes several issues that can will affect your users if you are using 6.3.x lets look at them... Some of the fixes include instability during android's fragment handling occurred in 6.32, which is worth while. A couple really awesome community PR's, and of… Continue reading NativeScript 6.4 released
NativeScript 6.3.0 Released
NativeScript 6.30 has a couple cool new things; but better yet it fixes several issues that can will affect your users if you are using 6.2.x lets look at them... Some of the fixes include instability during android's switching of applications and resuming it. An issue with unloading views on Android. Out of memory situation… Continue reading NativeScript 6.3.0 Released
ProPlugins - end of year update
We started the ProPlugins project pretty close to the launch of NS (NativeScript) 6.0. So it has only been active for about five months now. So how is it doing??? Well, first let cover the reason why we created it. This plays in strongly into how well ProPlugins is doing. Why ProPlugins? For most of… Continue reading ProPlugins - end of year update