Adding External Resource Security

lock-143616_1280In a lot of larger web sites it is pretty common that you use several third party resources like JavaScript.   However, this is a potential malicious door into your customers computer via your website.   What happens if the third party resource is changed by someone who does not have your best interests at heart.  Your page will still happily load the malware right onto your customers browsers.    So what can you do about this?

Well I'm glad you asked.   In the just released Chrome 45 (and soon in an upcoming Firefox release), they have added a awesome new feature to protect your customers (and your reputation).   When you link to any resources in your web page; you can now use the integrity attribute to tell the browser that this file must match this hash to load and use this file.

So <script ... integrity="sha256-some_sha256_hash"> or <link... integrity="sha384-some_sha384_hash">

The browser integrity attribute must support the sha 256, 384 and 512 hashes according to the w3 spec. For browsers that don't support this yet; then this won't do anything and the resources will load fine just like normal.  But in browsers that do support this; when the browser downloads the resource it will hash it and verify the hash matches before allowing it to be used.

On Linux you can generate the hash by doing:
cat the_file_resource | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64 -A

On Windows if you have openssl installed you can do:
type the_file_resource | openssl dgst -sha256 -binary | openssl enc -base64 -A

Or if you don't have openssl installed; you can also easily cheat by using Chrome.   Just add the integrity with a bogus value; then reload the page.   Chrome in the developer log will show you the computed hash for the file when it blocks it.

For the full W3 Spec:

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