NativeScript/JavaScript Tip: Debugging

Once thing I was made aware of today was that not everyone knows the magic "debugger;" command.   I suppose this makes sense; I rarely see it mentioned, but it is a very useful debugging command in the JavaScript world. The "debugger;" command is used to cause the application to stop and enter the debugger at… Continue reading NativeScript/JavaScript Tip: Debugging

NativeScript: Announcing {N} plugin tracking site

If you are like me occasionally you have to find a plugin and you go and check the site and do a search for NativeScript and then peruse a ton of entries; some relevant and some not so much. Well, last night as I was finally working on updating my manually done plugin list… Continue reading NativeScript: Announcing {N} plugin tracking site

NativeScript: Upgrading to v1.60

Since I have been posting these since the early versions of NativeScript; I figured I would continue.   It has been several months since the last major upgrade and this version has all sorts of bug fixes and new goodies.   The changelog is available at Some of the new features that I'm looking forward to… Continue reading NativeScript: Upgrading to v1.60

NativeScript: Tip - access a related view of a GridView/ListView/Repeater

I was asked earlier this week about how to access a related label when you click on a button or other object in the list of a ListView/GridView/Repeater. Since it took me a little while to figure this out for my own project a couple weeks ago and since someone else ran into this issue… Continue reading NativeScript: Tip - access a related view of a GridView/ListView/Repeater

NativeScript: iOS xCode 7.2+ Code signing fix!

For the last couple months since xCode 7.2 was released, those poor iOS developers who upgraded to 7.2 have felt much pain if they installed any Cocoapods. If you didn't use any PODs you were fine.  But the minute you used a plugin that has a POD; you were in for a world of hurt. … Continue reading NativeScript: iOS xCode 7.2+ Code signing fix!

NativeScript: Page navigating order of events

Updated for V5 of NativeScript I'm always having to reference my own notes to remember this; so I figured I would put a blog article up describing this so that everyone can benefit from my forgetfulness.   😉 NavigatingWhen you do a frame.topmost().navigate('destinationPage');  there is a specific order of events; Source page fires: navigatingFromDestination page fires:… Continue reading NativeScript: Page navigating order of events

Fonter - Revisited (iOS & Android NativeScript Fonts)

In my prior post on fonter, I walked though how to use the text fonts.  Several things have changed from that point in time; including iOS now auto-registers the fonts.  So I want to revisit the information and cover what needs to happen with NativeScript 1.5.1 and newer. Setup The folder structure is still the… Continue reading Fonter - Revisited (iOS & Android NativeScript Fonts)