NativeScript v1.1.0 - Released

NativeScript v1.1.0 was just released a couple days ago.    Here is what is new and how to get all the cool new features. Some of the changes are: Exposing Application events as Real Event [example] Parent is now exposed in itemLoading event Repeater Component Added [more] TabView.selectedIndexChanged Event added Hint property for TextView NavigatingTo/From,… Continue reading NativeScript v1.1.0 - Released

NativeScript - Real time development on Android

Photo (CCA): Now if you haven't guessed recently I've really taken to NativeScript.   It is awesome tool set for development applications for your mobile phone. However, one of its failings compared to some of the other tools is the speed of iteration.     On my machine; when I want to test a change;  I switch… Continue reading NativeScript - Real time development on Android

NativeScript -> The new Awesome way to build Android, & IOS applications

I've been developing applications for a wide variety of platforms (you name it, I've probably touched it) .   Over my long career in computer development and devops, this includes a lot of mobile apps.    I've done hybrid apps in Phonegap/Cordova.   I've done pure native apps on the Android; and I've done apps on a… Continue reading NativeScript -> The new Awesome way to build Android, & IOS applications