Fonter - A Simple NativeScript Font Application for iOS and Android

[[ A updated version of this post has been posted for NativeScript v1.5+ and icon fonts here. ]] Since the subject of Fonts has been causing issues for multiple people in the NativeScript community I figured I would write up a post on how to do it. Attached to this post is the completed project.   … Continue reading Fonter - A Simple NativeScript Font Application for iOS and Android

Adding External Resource Security

In a lot of larger web sites it is pretty common that you use several third party resources like JavaScript.   However, this is a potential malicious door into your customers computer via your website.   What happens if the third party resource is changed by someone who does not have your best interests at heart.  Your… Continue reading Adding External Resource Security

Announcing NativeScript-WebSockets!

WooHoo, I have finally released it; I only have been discussing it for almost a month.   I had it working on Android almost a month ago; and then on iOS shortly afterwords.    However, doing documentation; making a easy to use consistent interface, building install routines.   And then fixing BUGS.  Ouch, tracing bugs… Continue reading Announcing NativeScript-WebSockets!

NativeScript v1.2.0 Built in LiveSync vs the NativeScript-LiveSync Plugin

Pros of Telerik's LiveSync: Works from the NativeScript Command Line No extra code added to your application! Possibly works on Real IOS Devices (Untested on real device, but does not currently appear to work on a IOS Simulator) Cons of Telerik's LiveSync: Not really Live. It syncs the files; but then has to restart the… Continue reading NativeScript v1.2.0 Built in LiveSync vs the NativeScript-LiveSync Plugin

NativeScript v1.1.0 - Released

NativeScript v1.1.0 was just released a couple days ago.    Here is what is new and how to get all the cool new features. Some of the changes are: Exposing Application events as Real Event [example] Parent is now exposed in itemLoading event Repeater Component Added [more] TabView.selectedIndexChanged Event added Hint property for TextView NavigatingTo/From,… Continue reading NativeScript v1.1.0 - Released

NativeScript - Real time development on Android

Photo (CCA): Now if you haven't guessed recently I've really taken to NativeScript.   It is awesome tool set for development applications for your mobile phone. However, one of its failings compared to some of the other tools is the speed of iteration.     On my machine; when I want to test a change;  I switch… Continue reading NativeScript - Real time development on Android